




Just me

Image of app

One third of all produced food goes to waste. Ät (EN: eat) is a mobile application that helps the user find use for the ingredients they keep at home, in an attempt to reduce this number.

The user can find recipes that include the ingredients that are at the risk of going to waste. The resqued foods can be logged, which will let the user see the amount of carbon dioxide emissions and unnecessary water usage that were avoided, by using the foods instead of throwing them away. This data is also translated and presented to the user in a way that is easier to understand. For example, kg CO2 is translated into a distance travelled by plane.

"Best before" does not equal "bad after".


The stylesheet consists of saturated, fun colors as well as a fun yet readable font. The choices were made to suit the target group, that consists of teens and young adults in the ages 15-24. The design is playful to create engagement and a sense of fun, while the green main color theme reminds the user of the environmental aspect that the app offers.

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Norgald / 2022